Friday, November 13, 2015

First Quarter

In the first quarter I received some very good grades. I do believe that my grades are well earned. I worked hard t get them and my hard work. Certainly paid off. I think that I had a B average in quarter one. I have learned a lot in each class. In English I learned a lot about fiction. In science I learned about cell parts. In math I learned a lot about algebra and etc. I am going to take in everything I learned and use it in the quarters to come. I have learned that I am a good writer in general and can write good notes. Last quarter I could have did more homework but even that I did well. I would like my teachers to stay the same because they are doing great. I think that my grades will be good still even though I know my teachers will pick up the pace next quarter.
Terriel M.

Friday, November 6, 2015

I have pros and cons about the new schedule. I think that it is easier to fail due to having to write double the amount of notes. Also some information won't be retained because you might want to say back to finish other work. I like it because you also have a lot flexabilty with your classes. When I first heard about the changes I was excited. Now I have dislikes but it is still okay. I think it harder to pass with choice lectures. I like that you can choose your own classes but it is a little hard to do. DOLPHINS