Thursday, September 17, 2015

So far the makerspace has been fine. I like it so far. I like working together as a team, destroying useless wood, and then working together to build something something else. I don't like that it takes away from biology class but the only flaw in the maker's space. This is different from my other school. We didn't have a chance to get out and work on real world problems. I'm learning how to become more social and I also use math and science skills while I am in the maker's space. This is a way to learn and have fun while doing it. These skills may be used while I am older like if I was measuring a fence. It is interesting to have encountered failing. I learned that I have a mind for designing. 

We are being conducted like this to not be ready for the world, but be in the world itself.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

   The ingenuity fest is the celebration of art and technology held in Downtown Cleveland. I do not know much about the fest but I know that many artist and other creative minds go there to share ideas. I wonder if people from across the country come to Cleveland for this fest. I also wonder how often the fest is held. The fest also helps our city.
   The fest helps our city because it helps people from all around link together to design new ideas and create things. Design Lab fits into this because we are young and fit new ideas others have not thought about. We also know how to solve problems. The most exciting part about building the seating is getting credit and getting noticed. I am not worried as long as the school can work together. The biggest obstacle I see in creating the seating is supporting all of the weight with multiple people sitting there. Some obstacles we have to overcome as a group is being able to agree on a design. As and individual, I have to be able to not give up.
   We can overcome this by working hard together. On the project I think we should work together more than alone. That is all.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My name is Terriel Montgomery. And I am from Cleveland,Ohio A.K.A. The Land. My hope is to be successful in life. My favorite movies are any major superhero movie. My favorite T.V. shows are Family Guy, Friends, Regular Show and other shows. I came from Apex Academy, which taught me most of my learning. I like to travel to different states when I can to see what the world looks like. I like to play video games like GTA, 2K, Madden and other sports/action/shooting games. That is just a little about me.